Supect Tracking System

Real-time Tracking of Suspects

Our Suspect Tracking System locates and follows suspects identified by our Weapon Detection System. By integration with cameras throughout the facility and utilizing state of the art machine learning algorithms, suspects can be identified by behavioral analysis and then be intercepted for a secondary inspection.


Automatically detects weapons signatures before they enter


Based on its programming, the system assigns a priority level


On site security is alerted real time and can then react quickly

Unique Features and Benefits

  • Triggered by Weapon Detection System for follow-up actions
  • Integrated with the facility’s camera system
  • Utilizes state of the art machine learning
  • Highly capable of detection even in low-light or low-resolution
  • Automatically tracks the suspect even through gaps in the view
  • Identification is performed in real-time

Contact Us

We will be in touch to provide more information and an expert security threat evaluation.

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